Powering Organizational Performance.

Covid-19 and Healthcare Performance


With the Covid-19 pandemic, normal citizens have been exposed to concepts such as “flattening the curve”.


We watch the news to see: How many new cases in our area? How many deaths? What actions have been taken? Which ones are working? Which ones are not? Were we too late? What do we do now? They look at graphs and tables to understand what is going on. We look at the data from various jurisdictions and try to learn. Sometimes acting too slowly is not good enough. Death does not tolerate lies – it is a truth that cannot be spun.


When the pandemic is over, we hope that people learn some key lessons to make their part of the world a better place.


Good data tells us the truth about how well our plans are being executed and if they are working:


  • What actions do we think will make things better?
  • How successful are we in getting them done?
  • Are we getting the results we want?


When you have the information on these simple facts – you can make things better – in whatever aspect of our organization or society you wish to improve. It allows organizations to make plans; track results and adjust course in a timely manner.


Stratim Suite provides an integrated toolset that delivers exactly that: a well-balanced suite of performance measures to tell the truth about results; as well as the tools to execute strategic action and manage risk. Stratim Suite helps organizations and communities plan; monitor and get the results they wish for the people they serve.